The following resources are available for use in July.
- Leadership column – Celebrating America and our Communities
- Safety Article/Press Release – Move Over and Save a Life
- Safety Template Letter to the Editor – Move Over
- Media release/magazine article – NRECA legislative conference
Other Resources
Social Media
Posts for July
July 1 – Move Over for utility workers in Tennessee. It’s the law. #moveoverTN [LINK TO ARTICLE ABOVE ON YOUR WEBSITE OR AT TNELECTRIC.ORG.]
July 2 – Their job is dangerous enough. #moveoverTN

July 3 – A motorist’s guide to utility work sites and Tennessee’s Move Over law #moveoverTN #Infographic [LINK TO]
July 4 – “America is hope. It is compassion. It is excellence. It is valor.” – Paul Tsongas

July 5 – Electric co-ops provide power and opportunity to 71 percent of Tennessee. #cooportunity

July 8 – Tennessee’s Move Over law requires motorists to slow down or change lanes when approaching a utility vehicle with flashing lights. Learn more at #moveoverTN [LINK TO]
July 9 – Tennessee’s electric co-ops work to make the communities we serve places where ideas take hold, products are crafted and opportunity is abundant. Learn more at [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

July 10 – You can help them get home safely. #moveoverTN

July 11 – When you think about all the ways we use and depend on electricity to power our lives, it’s easy to see its value continues to shine! #cooportunity

July 12 – Looking for plans for the weekend? Check out The Tennessee Magazine’s calendar of events. [LINK TO TNMAGAZINE.ORG/EVENTS]
July 15 – It pays to be safe. Visit for tips to keep your family safe around power lines.
July 16 – Do you know your eScore? Visit [CO-OP SITE OR 2ESCORE.COM] for information and incentives to make your home more comfortable and efficient.
July 17 – Post photo of crews behind the scenes. Explain how their work keeps the lights on. [PHOTO]
July 18 – Lineworkers face many dangers: High voltage. Heights. Bad weather. You. Pay attention and move over. #moveoverTN

July 19 – Link to Letter to the Editor above at local paper or on your own site.
July 22 – Lineworker is the 9th most dangerous job in America. Do your part to make it a little safer and #moveoverTN

July 23 – Opportunity isn’t found. It’s made. Electric co-ops support the creators, innovators, makers, dreamers and everyday Tennesseans who are redefining success. #cooportunity [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

July 24 – State law requires motorists to move over or slow down when passing roadside utility vehicles. #moveoverTN

July 25 – The best way to honor a veteran is to hire one. Electric co-ops are committed to honoring and employing veterans, military service members and their spouses. Learn more: [Insert link to Serve Our Co-ops; Serve Our Country website:] #NationalHireAVeteranDay [OR POST PHOTO OF CO-OP EMPLOYEES WHO ARE VETERANS]
July 26 – Each day, electric co-ops enable the communities we serve to prosper. Learn more about how co-ops help empower growth in rural and suburban Tennessee at #cooportunity [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

July 29 – Post photo of crews behind the scenes. Explain how their work keeps the lights on. [PHOTO]
July 30 – Electric co-ops provide power and opportunity in the communities we serve. #cooportunity [SHARE VIDEO BELOW]
The following resources are available for use in June.
- Leadership column – Keeping your electric bill low when the temperature gets high
- Energy efficiency – Seven smart tips to save energy this summer
- Media release/magazine article – NRECA legislative conference
Other Resources
Social Media
Posts for June
June 3 – Electric co-ops provide power and opportunity to 71 percent of Tennessee. #cooportunity

June 4 – Want to make smart energy choices this summer? Save money with these great tips. [LINK TO EFFICIENCY ARTICLE ABOVE ON YOUR WEBSITE]
June 5 – Share article from [LINK TO ARTICLE ON TNMAGAZINE.ORG]
June 6 – Electric co-ops provide power and opportunity in the communities we serve. #cooportunity [SHARE VIDEO BELOW]
June 7 – Do you know your eScore? Visit [CO-OP SITE OR 2ESCORE.COM] for information and incentives to make your home more comfortable and efficient.
June 10 – Tennessee’s electric co-ops work to make the communities we serve places where ideas take hold, products are crafted and opportunity is abundant. Learn more at [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

June 11 – It pays to be safe. Visit for tips to keep your family safe around power lines.
June 12 – Looking for plans for the weekend? Check out The Tennessee Magazine’s calendar of events. [LINK TO TNMAGAZINE.ORG/EVENTS]
June 13 – #TNWYT
June 14 – #TNWYT
June 16 – Today is #FathersDay . We celebrate the dads on our team who power their home and their community. [POST PHOTO OF LINEMAN WITH THEIR CHILD/CHILDREN]

June 17 – #TNWYT
June 18 – #TNWYT
June 19 – #TNWYT
June 20 – Post photo of crews behind the scenes. Explain how their work keeps the lights on. [PHOTO]
June 21 – Today is the first day of #summer. Check out these tips to prepare your AC unit for the hot days ahead from [LINK TO]
June 24 – This Lightning Safety Awareness Week, we hope you’ll keep these #StormSafety tips in mind and be #EverydaySafe.

June 25 – Remember this #StormSafety tip: When you hear thunder roar, go indoors! LightningSafetyAwarenessWeek #EverydaySafe

June 26 – Opportunity isn’t found. It’s made. Electric co-ops support the creators, innovators, makers, dreamers and everyday Tennesseans who are redefining success. #cooportunity [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

June 27 – Why risk it? If you find yourself caught in a storm, quickly seek shelter indoors until it has passed. #LightningSafetyAwarenessWeek #EverydaySafe #StormSafety

June 28 – Each day, electric co-ops enable the communities we serve to prosper. Learn more about how co-ops help empower growth in rural and suburban Tennessee at #cooportunity [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

The following resources are available for use in April.
- Leadership column – A life on the line – National Lineman Appreciation Day
- Youth Leadership Summit article/press release
- TCC Young Leaders Conference article/press release
- Youth Tour print ads are available here.
Other Resources
Social Media
Posts for April
April 1 – It’s #AprilFoolsDay ! Don’t be fooled by these common #energyefficiency myths.
April 2 – April is National Kite Month. Fly them high, but watch for power lines. #everydaysafe

April 3 – Share article from [LINK]
April 4 – Tennessee’s electric co-ops work to make the communities we serve places where ideas take hold, products are crafted and opportunity is abundant. Learn more at [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

April 5 – April is National Safe Digging Month. Know what’s below. Call 811 before you dig. [LINK TO]
April 8 – Today is National Lineman Appreciation Day. Don’t forget to #thankalineworker [LINK TO LEADERSHIP COLUMN ABOVE]

April 9 – [CO-OP NAME] has more than XXXXX security lights on our system. Contact your local office to have a security light installed at your home or business
April 10 – This is Work Zone Awareness Week. Tennessee law requires motorists to #moveover for utility workers. Learn more at [LINK TO MOVEOVERTENNESSEE.ORG]
April 11 – Share article from [LINK]
April 12 – It pays to be safe. Visit for tips to keep your family safe around power lines.
April 15 – Opportunity isn’t found. It’s made. Electric co-ops support the creators, innovators, makers, dreamers and everyday Tennesseans who are redefining success. #cooportunity [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

April 16 – What’s your eScore? Visit [CO-OP SITE OR 2ESCORE.COM] for information and incentives to make your home more efficient.
April 17 – Electric co-ops provide power and opportunity in the communities we serve. #cooportunity [SHARE VIDEO BELOW]
April 18 – Spring is in the air. Enjoy your weekend.
April 19 – Monday is #earthday. Teachers should look into the great Earth Day resources on [LINK TO ]
April 22 – Today is #earthday. Learn more about the work TVA is doing to benefit the environment and the people of the Tennessee Valley. [LINK TO ] OR Post a photo/video of your cooperative solar project and talk about how it impacts your co-op.
April 23 – Be #everydaysafe when swimming: Never swim near boat ramps or launching docks!

April 24 – Each day, electric co-ops enable the communities we serve to prosper. Learn more about how co-ops help empower growth in rural and suburban Tennessee at #cooportunity [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

April 25 – Post photo of crews behind the scenes. Explain how their work keeps the lights on. [PHOTO]
April 26 – Looking for plans for the weekend? Check out The Tennessee Magazine’s calendar of events. [LINK TO TNMAGAZINE.ORG/EVENTS]
April 29 – Share article from [LINK]
The following resources are available for use in March.
- Leadership column – ### Cents of every dollar
- Youth Tour print ads are available here.
Other Resources
Social Media
Posts for March
March 1 –Electric co-ops provide power and opportunity for Tennessee. #cooportunity [LINK TO VIDEO:]
March 4 – Today we are taking young leaders to Nashville for the 2019 Youth Leadership Summit #2019YLS #cooportunity [LINK TO ARTICLE ON TNELECTRIC.ORG]
March 5 – Looking for Tennessee’s future leaders? They are at #2019YLS this week in Nashville, and the future looks bright. #cooportunity [PHOTO]
March 6 – Our #2019YLS students are learning about government and co-ops this week in Nashville. #cooportunity [PHOTO]
March 7 – Energy tip: Changing your air filter can save you energy and money

March 8 – Don’t forget to spring forward on March 10. #DST

March 11 – It pays to be safe. Visit for tips to keep your family safe around power lines
March 12 – Tennessee’s electric co-ops work to make the communities we serve places where ideas take hold, products are crafted and opportunity is abundant. Learn more at #cooportunity [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

March 13 – Check out the talented winners of the latest #Shutterbug photo contest sponsored by The Tennessee Magazine [LINK TO WINNERS AT TNMAGAZINE.ORG].
March 14 – #DidYouKnow [CO-OP NAME] belongs to you? Because we are a co-op, we’re led by you – our members! [INSERT GRAPHIC BELOW]

March 15 – The Tennessee General Assembly app – sponsored by the state’s electric co-ops – is your connection to your elected representatives. Get it for free at
March 18 – Each day, electric co-ops enable the communities we serve to prosper. Learn more about how co-ops help empower growth in rural and suburban Tennessee at #cooportunity [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

March 19 – #Spring begins tomorrow. What do you enjoy most about the warmer weather?

March 20 – Today is the first day of #Spring! Here are some tips to save energy this spring. [LINK TO]
March 21 – Here’s a tip for #spring #landscaping: Plant efficiently today and save for years to come! [INSERT IMAGES BELOW]

March 22 – Opportunity isn’t found. It’s made. Electric co-ops support the creators, innovators, makers, dreamers and everyday Tennesseans who are redefining success. #cooportunity [INSERT IMAGE BELOW]

March 25 – Tennessee law requires motorists to #moveover for utility workers. Learn more at [LINK TO MOVEOVERTENNESSEE.ORG]
March 26 – Monthly electric bills go up and down based on how much energy you use. Our [LEVELIZED/BUDGET] billing option can take the guess work out of your monthly bill. Sign up today. [LINK OR NUMBER TO CALL
March 27 – Share article from [LINK]
March 28 – What’s your eScore? Visit [CO-OP SITE OR 2ESCORE.COM] for information and incentives to make your home more efficient.
The following resources are available for use in October.
- Leadership column – Co-op Month
- Magazine article – Co-ops Vote
- Energy Vampires media release/article – Customize for magazine, post to website and distribute to local media
Other Resources
Social Media
Posts for October
- October 1 – Happy #CoopMonth! Electric cooperatives are more than energy providers. Discover what it means to be part of an electric co-op: [Link to co-op’s website or applicable webpage]
- October 2 – As a co-op, we are owned by the community we serve. That’s why our member-owners come first, now and always. #coopseethefuture #CoopMonth #coopsbuildup
- October 3 – Do you know where your energy comes from? You may be one of hundreds of electric co-ops like us, who proudly serve 1 in 8 Americans across 48 states. #coopseethefuture #CoopMonth #coopsbuildup
- October 4 – Some things fade with time, but our commitment to our members only grows stronger. #coopseethefuture #CoopMonth #coopsbuildup
- October 5 – Tennessee law requires motorists to slow down or move over when passing utility crews on the side of the road. Help our lineworkers to get home safely and #moveoverTN [LINK TO MOVEOVERTENNESSEE.ORG]
- October 8 – The state of Tennessee’s Remastered series focuses on Tennessee’s most iconic companies. This episode takes a look at a co-op served business – Jack Daniels in Lynchburg. #coopsbuildup [LINK TO]
- October 9 – Share a behind-the-scenes image from the co-op (linemen loading up for the day, dispatch center, etc…) Explain how this work serves the members.
- October 10 – Share article from [LINK TO ARTICLE ON TNMAGAZINE.ORG]
- October 11 – Co-ops build stronger communities. #coopsbuildup Tennessee. #CoopMonth [Share Build Up video:]
- October 12 – Voting is important. Election day is November 6. #coopsvote
- October 15 – Share article from [LINK TO ARTICLE ON TNMAGAZINE.ORG]
- October 16 – Electric co-ops have a significant impact on Tennessee. #coopsbuildup #coopmonth
- October 17 – Tennessee’s electric co-ops keep the lights on 99.96 percent of the time. #coopsbuildup #coopmonth
- October 18 – Today is the Tennessee Electric Co-op Day of Service. Our employees are serving our communities by [PROVIDE DETAILS ON YOUR PROJECTS AND INCLUDE PHOTOS] #TNcoopdayofservice
- October 19 – Tennessee’s co-ops are proud to be a part of the communities we serve. #coopsbuildup #coopmonth
- October 21 – On this day in 1879 Thomas Edison devised a workable electric light bulb in his laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey.
- October 22 – Cooler temps are just around the corner! Is your home’s heating system ready?
- October 23 – Two weeks from today Americans will head to the polls. We hope to see you there. #coopsvote [LINK TO VOTING ARTICLE ON WEBSITE]
- October 24 – Share article from [LINK TO ARTICLE ON TNMAGAZINE.ORG]
- October 25 – Share a behind-the-scenes image from the co-op (linemen loading up for the day, dispatch center, etc…) Explain how this work serves the members.
- October 26 – Washington Youth Tour changes lives, and we are proud to be a part of it. Learn more at #TNWYT
- October 29 – Make your voice heard this #electionday. #coopsvote
- October 30 – Follow these helpful tips to slay the energy vampires in your home. [LINK TO ENERGY VAMPIRE ARTICLE ON YOUR WEBSITE]
- October 31 – Our team at [CO-OP NAME] wish you and your family a safe and happy Halloween.
Thousands of children are injured and hundreds are killed every year by hazards found on the farm. Some of these children are working on the farm while others wander into trouble on their own or are invited into hazardous areas. Implement injury prevention strategies today to protect agriculture’s greatest resource, our children.
- Do not allow children to roam freely on the farm. Design a fenced “safe play area.” This area should be near the house and away from work activities.
- Inspect your farm on a regular basis for hazards that can injure children wandering on your farm. Correct obvious hazards immediately.
- Children who are physically able to be involved in farm work should be assigned age-appropriate tasks and continually trained to perform them. They should also be constantly supervised.
- Equip all barns, farm shops, chemical storage areas, livestock pens, etc. with latches that can be locked or secured so that children cannot enter.
- Always turn equipment off, lower hydraulics and remove the key before leaving equipment unattended.
- Do not expose children to hazards. Never carry them on tractors and equipment or invite them into the farm shop, livestock barns, grain bins, etc.
- Is there a designated “safe play area?”
- Are equipment guards in place?
- Are hazardous work areas locked?
- Are farm ponds and pits fenced?
Information supplied by the National Safety Council’s Agricultural Division, the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS) – or 888-844-6322.
Even when you take precautions, a farm can be a dangerous place. Equipment, livestock and other dangers pose risks for families and employees that are not found in other environments. These unique dangers require unique preparation.
The National Ag Safety Database and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension provide this list of items needed to create a farm first aid kit. Most, if not all, of these supplies can be found at the local drug store or are available online. Think about keeping one of these in each vehicle and tractor.
The following is a list of items that should be in a farm first aid kit:
- A basic first aid manual
- Two triangular bandages with 36″ sides (made from bed sheets)
- Spray antiseptic (not a pressurized can)
- Sterile saline solution
- Twelve adhesive bandages and four safety pins
- Two pairs of rubber or latex gloves
- Eye goggles
- Three small packages of sugar
- Mouth protection device for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
- Four compress bandages, 2″x2″, 4″x4″
- 24″x72″ compress
- Six pressure bandages
- Gauze bandage
- Stainless steel bandage scissors (strong enough to cut through denim)
- One elastic wrap
- Cold pack
- Amputation preservation kit (plastic bags: one large garbage bag, four kitchen-sized and two bread bags)
- Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
- Two-inch sterile gauze pads (four to six)
- Four-inch sterile gauze pads (four to six)
- Hypoallergenic adhesive tape
- Two-inch sterile roller bandages (three roles)
- Three-inch sterile roller bandages (three roles)
- Splints: ¼ inch thick x 3 inches wide x 12 to 15 inches long
- Scissors, tweezers, needle
- Moistened towelettes
- Sterile saline solution
- Thermometer
- Tongue blades (two)
- Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant
- Assorted sizes of safety pins
- Cleansing agent/soap
- Sunscreen

Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association
2964 Sidco Drive, Nashville, TN 37204
Phone : 615.367.9284