Call for Nominations: TCC Young Leaders Conference

Once again it’s time to choose your cooperative’s couples (or individuals) to attend the 2017 Tennessee Young Leaders Conference on Friday and Saturday, February 24 and 25, at the Drury Plaza Hotel in Franklin, Tennessee.  Please pass this information along as soon as possible to the person in your organization who is responsible for couple selection.

This highly regarded conference is a combined effort of the Tennessee Council of Cooperatives (TCC) and the Tennessee Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers organization.  Your TCC dues cover the conference registration fee, hotel room cost and cost of conference meals.  All information is available at I would encourage you to review the exciting agenda which has been included with this announcement.  Once again, the 2017 YLC is lining up to be one of the most diversified events ever assembled by the TCC and we hope that you will send an outstanding couple or individual who will benefit and appreciate this unique educational opportunity.  And as an added bonus the host hotel is located at the Drury Plaza in Cool Springs / Franklin TN, an area that has something to offer everyone!

TCC’s annual conference provides cooperatives across the state a unique opportunity to educate its young leaders regarding the benefits of cooperatives.  Your council has worked hard to build a foundation of appreciation and support for existing cooperatives among conference participants.  Those attending the 2017 conference will be exposed to ideas and information that will enable them to add value to their own businesses, form new niche cooperatives with others in their communities, and meet the challenges of the future with cooperative marketing innovations.

More than ever, to be selected for this conference should be considered a true honor and opportunity for your participants.  We encourage you to carefully select attendees.  Sending outstanding people to this conference may be your single most important outreach activity to ensure that the cooperative way of doing business remains strong in the future.

Couple(s) or person(s) chosen should be:

  • under 50 years of age
  • interested member(s) of your cooperative
  • persons who will benefit from this educational experience

For attendees with young children, childcare will be provided during the meeting sessions.

Please select your representatives, complete a copy of the attached registration form in full and mail, e-mail, or fax it to the TCC’s Administrative Secretary-Treasurer Roberta Smith no later than Wednesday February 1, 2017.  We will need one registration form per couple or per single participant.  When we receive the completed registration forms, Roberta will make hotel registrations for the couple or person you have chosen.

If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact Roberta Smith at [email protected] or at the information listed on the registration form.


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[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2017-ylc-agenda”]

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