Magazine wins awards
The Tennessee Magazine recently received an Award of Merit for Best Entertaining Feature and a first place award for Best Website in the 2015 National Electric Cooperative Statewide Editors Association (SEA) Willies Awards.
“I’m very proud of the work we produce at TECA,” says Robin Conover. “There are some very good communications programs among the electric cooperative statewide associations. We push each other to do our very best work.”
The 2015 Willies Awards (named in honor of “Willie Wiredhand”) were presented during the SEA Institute, held Aug. 1-5 in Portland, Ore. The annual competition drew more than 300 entries from 23 cooperative publications nationwide.
Congratulations to the TECA communications staff: Robin Conover, Chris Kirk, Ron Bell, Susan Pilgreen and Trent Scott.
Congratulations! Great job!